
Preparation and antimicrobial activity of ZnO coated cotton/starch and their functionalized ZnO-Ag /cotton and Zn(II) curcumin/cotton materials.

The resistance of microbial activity against classical antimicrobial therapies increased due to increase in the ability of these organisms to develop resistance to virtually all antimicrobial systems. New strategies are recently considered in order to combat bacteria resistance by using various types of inorganic nanometals or nanometal oxides coated textiles to impart their antimicrobial activity. The new materials showed high stability and antibacterial effectiveness even after intensive laundry regimes are employed in hospitals. Recently some inorganic silver, metal oxide (ZnO) NPs and their hybrid metal oxide-silver (ZnO-Ag) nanocomposites coated cotton and starched have attracted attention, due to significant antimicrobial activities against pathogenic bacteria. Special attention has been directed toward the use of antibacterial coated fabrics e.g. medical clothes to minimize the chance of nosocomial infections. The use of starch as adhesive material would decrease the leaching of adsorbates from the surface of cotton substrate. The synergism systems and the curcumin complexes showed effective antimicrobial activities against pathogens.


Issa M. El-Nahhal

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